
The purpose of this checklist is to document the model’s understanding of the activities below and serve as a starting point for a discussion regarding the shoot they will participate in on the date(s) of production.

All participants maintain the right to refuse any activity, re-negotiate terms or ask for clarification at any time, with no questions asked, regardless of what is contained in this or any other document.

This checklist is not comprehensive and includes space for additions. It is also not an indication that every activity listed will be requested during the shoot.



Yes: You understand and are willing to participate in the activity indicated.

No: You understand and are NOT willing to participate in this activity.

Needs Discussion: You might participate in this activity, but some clarification is required in order to make an informed decision. The level of intensity or the circumstances under which the action occurs are two examples of negotiable points that may be defined on the set, at the relevant time, between the model, the creative director, and the photographer. Please feel free to add any further comments as necessary.



All information disclosed in this document will be kept strictly confidential and will not be released to, or shared with any third parties without prior consent.